Resilient Seeds


Resilient Seeds

from $20.00

We stand in solidarity with the Palestinian people. We stand against oppression and colonization. This print is yours to have, it’s free. You have the option to pay for it or own it for free. ALL proceeds of this painting will be donated to a local organization supporting this targeted community.

Printed on Matte paper. Prints are autographed by artist and will ship in 3 business days.

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“Resilient Seeds”


I paint 

Vivid colors overflow my imagination

Colors bleed onto a canvas as children’s ear drums erupt 

Their little eyes seeing bombs falling from the sky 

Their world terrorized 

I paint 

Explosions echo through their bones as the screeching sound of the aftermath unveils an obscure world 

Oh children of Palestine how strong are your huecitos having to flee trying to find ama through the debris 

Your ears ring 

You bleed 

I paint 

Tears drip down my face wishing I could help

As you hold onto threads of hope and savor the last drips of life you fall to the ground 

I paint 

5000 children are dead 

Screams of Palestinians lives echo through the streets as the world watches a genocide unfold 

Some scroll through Tik tok and  March to the sound of the Amerikkkan  clock, grab a Starbucks cup and like a zombie slave away for eight hours to secure pay to feed our children at home 

While the oppressed fall dead on cemented floors 

I paint 

Missiles drop 

They drop

More fall dead

Some chamaquitos rise 

Their bodies covered in blood hoping for better days and for someone to help the pain

I paint

Millions march worldwide to demand justice for our brothers and sisters

I paint

We paint

Together we revolutionize with courage to face the oppressors and demand your liberation

Artists united pintando sandias in solidarity with Palestinian lives calling an immediate ceasefire 

We paint watermelons with love for you 

For our gente who have been oprimidos for hundreds of years 

Pintamos sandías to show our resistance 

We won’t let your dying voices go unheard 

Oh children of Palestine, hold on, the world is watching and we are here to find a way for you to one day, play with marbles in the streets and see monarch butterflies fly freely in your sky