Arte & Social Justice
Amidst these turbulent times, Arte Aqua Viva uses art and creativity as a means to create social change. We are currently working on two community murals to uplift our communities, provide them a moment of therapeutic relief, and empower them to tell their story creatively while learning basic painting techniques virtually. These communities who engage themselves in creating social change with art as their tool, are a part of our CREATIVE VOICES PROGRAM.
The Mural Project
A message from Pedro: Our youth needs our support! Mendota California is my hometown. As an immigrant coming to this community, I felt extremely lost and the opportunities I found as a youth member were scarce. That was in 1991 and today in 2021 our youth is still experiencing this lack of opportunity. Mendota is rich with culture, talent, and passion; though strong leadership and opportunities are missing. We need your support to change this! Arte Aqua Viva is partnering with local Grassroots Organization “655 Unidxs” to empower our youth and bring them virtual art lessons, art kits, and help them develop and create a community mural. Art is transformative and works MAGIC in oneself; please help us give our youth these transformative and healing opportunities. DONATE TODAY!
Healing through Arte
Our mural design has allowed us to connect with our community, hear our stories, learn de donde venimos, our dreams, fears, and the greatness Mendota, California is. Together, we are healing while using our imagination and creating Arte.
Creative Voices Unite! January, 2021
Uplifting one voice at at time with the transformative and liberating power of the arts!
A.D. Pedro Rivas Lopez, virtually mentors Evanllelyn Sanchez, at Cubberley Community Center- February, 2021
Creative Voices Program-in tribute to Augusta Savage
Arte Aqua Viva is working with community members from from East Palo Alto and Palo Alto, San Jose, and from Rio de Janeiro all the way in Brazil! This group individually participates in weekly virtual mentorship sessions with our Artistic Director, Pedro Rivas. Together, they will create visual and performance art that will be be presented in June 2021.
Arte Aqua Viva understands it is critical we uplift our youth and empower them to find their voice and place in this world, especially our BIPOC youth.
This mentorship opportunity has been made possible thanks to Arte Aqua Viva’s mission and thanks to Pedro Rivas receiving The Augusta Savage Fellowship. This Fellowship offers subsidized studio space to artists identifying as Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPoC). As professional artists, we recognize the need for affordable space to develop your craft, produce new work, and the physical space required to do so. We partner with residencies and studio locations to serve the financial needs of BIPoC artists seeking a studio for their professional sustainability and continued growth.
The Augusta fellowship is named in honor of Augusta Savage. Born near Jacksonville, Florida, she was an accomplished, commissioned sculptor, art educator and champion of equal rights in the Arts.
In 1923, although initially accepted, her award to study in Paris was rescinded after learning she was Black. Her poignant reply begged the question, How can I continue to develop my craft if you get in my way. She eventually made it abroad on her own dime.
Despite financial difficulties, and discriminatory setbacks, she moved to New York and became a central and outspoken figure in the Harlem Renaissance and co-founder of the Harlem Artist Guild.
“…if I can inspire one of these youngsters to develop the talent I know they possess, then my monument will be in their work.”
Our Artistic Director decided to pay tribute to Augusta Savage, and honor her legacy through the Creative Voices Program.
The East Palo Alto Mural Project
Individuals in our Creative Voices program are building their artistic skills and working on a collaboration with other community members. Together they are designing a community mural! Taqueria La Cazuela has blessed us with the opportunity to bring our creative minds and art to beautify their restaurant. We have transformed this space into an art gallery and are now working to raise funds for the creation of a mural that tells our stories. Though there are some community members already involved, we are looking for more individuals to participate. Please contact us!